Fellbarrow - Lake District Walk
Friday 31st March 2006
Despite the early morning drizzle we decided to make up for the lack of longer walks at the start of the week and fit in another walk before we went home. The walk started with a steep ascent followed by a sharp drop down and then another steep ascent, by which time both of us knew we couldn't do another steep climb on this holiday. Fortunately the remaining summits didn't involve a great deal of descending and ascending so we were able to enjoy the ever improving views as the sun came out and the clouds cleared the summits. As we sat eating our sandwiches at the bottom of Fellbarrow with the sun actually making us feel warm it felt like Spring had finally arrived.
Start: Loweswater (NY 1211 2233)
Route: Loweswater - Darling Fell (80) - Loweswater Fell (81) - Low Fell (82) - Sourfoot Fell (83) - Smithy Fell (84) - Fellbarrow on Mosser Fell (85) - Loweswater
Distance: 6.25 miles Ascent: 557 metres Time Taken: 4 hrs 30 mins
Weather: Dry with low clouds and strong winds on the tops in the morning. Blue sky and warm in the sun by the afternoon.
Pub Visited: The Cross Keys (Belper, Derbyshire) Ale Drunk: Bateman's XXXB
From the track up to Darling Fell, Mellbreak (left) and Little Dodd and Hencomb (right) come into view.
Carling Knott (left) & Burnbank Fell across Loweswater.
From the top of Darling Fell Scotland is visible across the Solway Firth.
The sun breaks through the clouds onto Crummock Water, from the summit of Darling Fell.
A view up Mosedale from Darling Fell's summit.
Darling Fell summit from Loweswater Fell's summit.
Whiteside from Low Fell's summit.
Crummock Water from Low Fell's summit.
The trig point on Fellbarrow's summit, the last summit of the holiday.
At the bottom of Fellbarrow we found a great spot in the sun for lunch.
Looking up Mosser Fell (our route down from Fellbarrow) from our lunch spot.
The best view of the day as we returned to the car for the journey home.
All pictures copyright © Peak Walker 2006-2023